Friday, 19 October 2012

Character Profile- Eleanor- Final Girl

Here is the character profile we have so far for Eleanor our popular girl who is also the final girl:

AGED: 18

Eleanor was drawn into the lift of drugs by her boyfriend Hunter. She soon realized that it was a bad life choice and was deciding to try and stop her life from spiraling downwards. She was like Hunter confidant and he went to her with his family problems. When she told him she was stopping he was extremely angry as he left the only thing the two had in common where drugs, if she stopped he felt like he would lose everything, scared of how he would react Eleanor decided to pretend she was still into drugs and slowly introduce to him into the idea of her not being in the drug shack with him. She had a reasonably good past with good friends and a stable home. Things changed a little for her when she met Hunter and began doing drugs but she loved him so it didn’t matter. He occasionally scared her with his sudden, bad reactions to things she did or other people did but she stuck by him. As she saw him getting more and more reliant on drugs she tried to stop him but it didn’t work. She gets more and more worried about him as she knows that the drug taking will only lead to worse things happening and he could get hurt or in trouble for taking them but anything she says he ignores.
She has a habit of biting her lips and fiddling with jewellery. As well as hiding behind her own hair when anxious or scared. She's scared of the dark, is claustrophobic and easily frightened. Primarily scared of death. This would all link with Maslow's theory of needs as males would see her as a weak and vulnerable character and want to protect her.

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